My name is Dr. Elvianna Dorante-Day (PhD Public health) and I am the Founder & Director of the "First Nations Institute Australia". The aim of this educational facility is to provide up to date information via online courses to the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities around the planet.
I am an Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Medicine woman / Traditional healer. In addition to this, I am a Public Health Doctor who is also a Registered Nurse & Student Lawyer. Additionally, I am also a researcher in Public Health, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health & Law, Nursing, cyber-terrorism & cyber crime. I have been an Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Medicine woman / Traditional healer for over 30 years, a Registered Nurse for over 20 years, and a Public Health Doctor for 7 years. Furthermore, I am an author & academic.
Moreover I am a mother of nine children & 4 grandchildren & I do come from a very large Indigenous Australian family both from the Torres Straits and mainland Australia. Furthermore, I also have many non-Indigenous families from various parts of the world.
The "First Nations Institute Australia" has been built as a dedication to my second oldest daughter Ms. Leanne Dorante-Day, who unexpectedly died from complications relating to Asthma in 2003 in Adelaide, South Australia.
Moreover, this educational facility has been built as a dedication to my other children, Ms. Keshia (Designer of FNIA logo), Ms. Lurline, Mr. Simon Jnr, Mr. Lachlan, Ms. Zoe, Ms. Chloe, Master Liam, Ms. Meriam & my grandchildren: Ms. Bella, Master Henry, Master Jamal, & Master Malakai.
Dr Elvianna Dorante-Day
(Member of the Australian Aboriginal (Wuthathi) and Torres Strait Islander (Mer (Murray), Erub (Darnley)) community), (Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Medicine Woman) Bachelor of Nursing [Australian Catholic University], Registered Nurse, Masters of Arts [University of South Australia] (Aboriginal Issues), Graduate Diploma in Public Health [Griffith University], Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Mental health First Aid certificate, Cert IV in Training and Assessment; Doctor of Public Health [Flinders University] (PhD); Bachelor of Laws - Graduate [Charles Darwin University] candidate; Master of Policing, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism with Master of International Security Studies (Cyber Security) [Macquarie University] (candidate).
My other qualifications include the following:-
Certificates of Completion
Sport Certificates